2021 NVC Choir Clinic
November 10, 2021
On Monday, November 8, 2021, the Boyd County Sr. High Choir traveled to Verdigre and participated in the Niobrara Valley Conference Choral Clinic. The 16 students had a full day of rehearsals with the other students in the conference under the direction of the guest clinician Dr. Matthew Armstrong. Dr. Armstrong is the choral director of Wayne State College. The Wayne State College Chamber Choir performed for the students during the afternoon. The full NVC Choir performed their concert at 5:30 for the public. The songs the Choir performed were, “I See Colors” by Pinkzebra, “My America” arranged by Joyce Eliers Bacal. “Requiem” arranged by Craig Hella Johnson, and “Tumekuja Kuima” by Lynn Zettlemoyer. The students had an enjoyable day and would like to thank everyone who came and supported them at the concert.