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Four Day School Week Parent & Community Survey

February 28, 2023

Click here to take the survey.

The Boyd County Board of Education is currently exploring the possibility of a 4-day school week.  They are nearing the point of making a decision through research and information and would like to know what the parents,  staff, and public think after the special board meeting on February 8th, and the regular board meeting February 15th.  You can view the presentation by clicking on this link:   4 Day School Week Presentation

Here are some general overview thoughts regarding a 4-day school week.  Reasons a 4-day school week may be viewed as positive are: 1) Increased student and staff morale, 2) Teacher recruitment, 3) Decrease in student and staff absences, 4) Time for professional development, 5) More consistent calendar (reduced late starts/early outs, 6) Student employment opportunities, 7) Savings from reduced transportation, wages, and building savings.  This savings is estimated at $128,000, but as your superintendent, I feel this number is too high.  I think this savings would actually be more around $85,000-$105,000.  

Reasons a 4-day school week may be viewed as negative are: 1)   Reduction in non-certified staff pay (hourly employees), 2) Morning and evening bus routes (currently the earliest pick-up time for students riding the bus is 6:30, with 6:50 being around the average pick-up time for route students), 3) Childcare, 4) Length of the school day (it is estimated that the day would be 36 minutes longer) 5) How much time will students be asked to be here on their day off (practices for athletics and all extra-curricular activities), 6) Current 90 minute reading block for elementary that is designed for 5 days per week, 7) Possible shortened breaks if snow days had to be made up.  

You can also access a "mock" 4-day school week calendar by clicking this link:  BC 4 Day School Calendar-Draft  

This mock calendar has 156 days for students, with the day starting at 8:00 and ending at 4:00.  This adds 36 minutes to our existing day.  Six other schools used as examples in this presentation has calendars ranging from 146-160 student days, with starting times ranging from 7:35-8:00, while dismissal times range anywhere from 3:46-4:15.  This calendar does not have teacher/staff development days or work days established.  

Your responses will provide the needed feedback for the board as they continue to research this topic, and evaluate the pros and cons of a major educational calendar change.  If you are not able to access the presentation and calendar from the special meeting from February 8th, please stop by the administrative office at any one of the three sites during normal business hours and you will be given a copy.  Thank you for your time in filling out this survey.   The survey will due by 9:00 a.m., March 7th.  At that time the survey link will no longer be active and results will no longer be tabulated.  Please be aware of the timeframe.  

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