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October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month! The best way to stop bullying is to support kindness, acceptance, and inclusion for all students!

Pacer's National Bullying Prevention Center has a vast amount of resources for students, parents, and school staff to share information about how to stop the bullying epidemic that is far too often seen in our school and our communities. Visit the site at https://www.pacer.org/bullying/ to find out what you can do to look for and prevent bullying. You can also see some of those resources by scrolling down.

When a child is a target of bullying, parents need to document the evens and develop a record (or history) of what is happening to their child. Click HERE for more information on what your records should include.

Along with record keeping, parents should contact school staff each time their child informs them tha the or she has been bullied. Click HERE for more information on reporting bullying. By clicking, you will also find templates that parents can use as a guide for writing a letter to their child's school.

Click here to read Bullying 101 for Middle-School/High-School

Click here to read Bullying 101 for Elementary Students

Click here for information on Cyberbullying





This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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