BC Students Are Heading to State Speech
The Boyd County Speech Team headed to Plainview on March 8th for District Speech competition. Brooklyn Eckert and Brynn Almgren placed 3rd in Duet Acting, earning them a spot at State! They will compete in Kearney on March 16th for State . . .
Speech Team Updates
DISTRICT SPEECH The BC speech team competed in district competition in Wausa Monday, March 1st! The BC team placed 4th overall. Each member of the team has worked hard this year, and we are proud of your efforts. Our 2022 season has . . .
BC Students Compete at State Speech
Culminating with a trip to Kearney, BC 2021 speech season is in the books! Six hardworking senior speakers represented BC very well at the state speech contest ... each one coming home with their held high! Kaci Mashino competed in . . .
2021 District Speech
District Speech is in the books, sending some Boyd County students to state! District Results: Boyd County placed 4th as a team. Kaci Mashino - entertainment - 1st / poetry - 1st Brynn Almgren - entertainmetn - 4st Chase . . .
The Boyd County Speech Team has a Busy Week
Awakened by the brisk air of the wee morning hours, the Boyd County Speech Team traveled to Norfolk on February 19. The BC team placed 4th overall. Coming home with medals were: Kaci Mashino (poetry) - 3rd . . .
West Holt Speech Invite Results
Boyd County attended the West Holt Speech Meet on Saturday, February 6th. The results are as follows: Novice poetry - 1st - Liz Kersch Novice informative - 5th - Zoe Kaczor Novice extemporaneous - 4th - Amelia . . .
Creighton Prime Time Invite
Boyd County’s speech team competed at the Creighton Prime Time Invite on March 7. The meet included over 280 entries! Boyd County placed 6th out of 21 competitive teams! CHAMPS FINALS Oral . . .
NVC Speech Meet
Boyd County Speech was well represented at the NVC Speech Meet in Keya Paha where they took on 15 very tough teams! Boyd County placed 5th in team points! Individual results from the meet are below. Oral Interpretation of . . .
Lutheran High Northeast Speech Meet Results
Results from the Lutheran High Northeast Speech Meet: Duet Acting •Joseph Hiatt & Kaci Mashino - 2nd Place •Joshua Kersch & Brayden Almgren - 5th Place Oral Interpretation of . . .
Ainsworth Speech Meet
The Boyd County Speech Team competed in Ainsworth on Saturday, February 22nd. The results of the meet are as follows: Kaci- 1st in Entertainment Joseph- 2nd in Serious Josh, Brayden, Chase - 3rd in OID Jenny, . . .
Stuart Speech Meet Results
The Boyd County Speech Team competed in the Stuart Speech Invite held on Saturday, February 8th. Results are as follows: Entertainment Speaking •Kaci Mashino - 2nd Place Duet Acting •Joseph Hiatt & . . .
Speech State Qualifiers
Congrats to Joseph Hiatt and Catalina Knox for for their performances at the C2-3 District Meet. Joseph brought home 1st place in Serious Prose, and Catalina brought home 3rd place in Poetry. This landed them both a spot at state in Kearney . . .
2019 NVC Speech Meet
The Boyd County Speech Team was well-represented at the NVC Speech Meet in Verdigre where they took on 15 very tough teams! Boyd County placed 4th in team points! Individual results from the meet are below. Oral Interpretation of Drama . . .
Creighton Speech Meet
The Boyd County Speech Team competed at the Creighton Speech Invite on March 2nd. This is a very large meet with very stiff competition! Individual results from the meet are below: ORAL INTERPRETATION OF DRAMA 1st Place (out of . . .